Thursday, October 22, 2009

I am thankful that we do not have a Target in our town although I would tell you any day that I want one. I am pretty sure I would go broke! I went to Avon today with friends and we went to the Target there. I saw so many cute little boy clothes! I held back and just got one complete outfit, but if I had lots of money I would have bought the store! There is one outfit there that I am going to go back and buy near Thanksgiving. It was little dress pants and a dress shirt and a sweater vest. So cute!!!

I just gave Donovan a bath and I had a shower. That is probably one thing that has affected me most while being a mother. I just never know at what time I will get a shower! But, I can deal with that because my son is sleeping all night. And by all night, I mean all night. He goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 at night and will sleep as long as 8:00-8:30 the next morning. He has been doing this for a couple weeks, but it is officially consistent!

I have a strong desire to make pumpkin pie. Maybe I will make one tomorrow. :) As for right now, I am going to go finish my cup of coffee and enjoy the rest of the evening with my husband!

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