I am sitting here thinking about all that I have to get done and wondering why I am always going. Sometimes I need to remind myself to stop and enjoy the time that I have with Donovan or with Caleb or just with myself. I need to remember to slow down, that I am not guaranteed tomorrow and that I need to enjoy the time that God has given me. That doesn't mean that I let my house go or that I let the laundry back up or that I never cook a meal, that means that I take an hour and just enjoy. Just play with Donovan, go for a walk with Caleb or really study and spend time in the Word and prayer.
I am looking at the changing leaves outside and realizing that fall is going fast. It is almost November. Wow. I can't believe how fast this year has gone. I can't believe how fast this month has gone for that matter, it seems like October shouldn't even be here yet. I was thinking of how the rest of the year is going to go and how busy it seems, but I want to make sure I take time to enjoy it as it happens.
I am deciding what to do for Christmas presents this year and I think my sister-in-law and I are going to work on some things. We are both tight on money, so we are getting creative. It should be fun just spending time with her too. I think we will do some type of candy/cookie and then a craft of some sort.
I was thinking of taking my blogging to a new height, but I am just not sure. I am thinking one day a week I will talk about what I have learned in my devo's and then one day I would like to do just a picture post. I am trying to get more followers, but I guess I don't know very many people! Oh well!
Going to work on dinner! I think we are grilling out, I have to get the meat ready.
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