Friday, October 9, 2009

Something new?

When the possibility of something new, something great, something that we have been praying for appears, I can't help but get excited/anxious. I then remembered Philippians 4:6 "be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." I am learning at this time to slow down and pray. I am learning that God's will is ultimately what we want no matter how good something looks. I am learning to be patient and let things happen in God's time. I am learning that when you pray about something that God always answers, but it might not be in the way we had planned.

All this to say, please pray about something with me. There is a potential opportunity opening up for Caleb and I, please pray that if it is God's will that everything will work out with it. Please pray that I would be patient and understanding if this is not God's will also.

Thanks. I will update more and possibly give more details when I have some!

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