It has been a little while since I updated, so I figure I am long past due.
Caleb is still really enjoying his new job, and for that I am thankful. We kind of stepped out on a limb and chopped it off on this job. The positive aspects outweighed the negative, but it was still a bit of a risk. I enjoy that it is just 5 minutes from home and if I need him he can be here in just a couple of minutes and they don't care! The Miller's are such a sweet family, they truly are.
Donovan is doing well with his baby food. He enjoys it for the most part and he also enjoys his oatmeal cereal in the morning and evening. He is getting so big! I can't believe that he will be 5 months old at the end of the month. Time just seems to be flying! He is doing so many new things too. Last night he almost rolled over for the first time. He is so close! He is also babbling a lot more and he laughs all the time. I was truly blessed with an amazing little boy. He will go to bed between 9 and 9:30 at night and sleep for sure until 7 sometimes later the next morning. It is really nice to get a full nights sleep!
Me? I am doing well. I fall cleaned last week before our mini-vacation in which we ended up in North Carolina. It was sooooo much fun! I truly enjoy getting away with my two men. Now I am beginning to bake, and put stuff in the freezer for winter and spring.I am getting into a routine of getting up in the morning, getting Caleb's breakfast and lunch, feeding Donovan his morning bottle and then starting to get the house picked up. I have found that if I get all of my chores done before noon, it leaves plenty of time for the other things I need to get done before Caleb gets off. Fun huh? I do like the routine though, it helps to get going in the morning.
Well, I am off to play with Donovan for a few minutes before I work on laundry again! Have a great day everyone!
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