Saturday, March 6, 2010

It seems as if I have been so incredibly busy, but when I sit down and actually think about what has been going on, I can't come up with much!

Donovan is 8 months old now. He is getting so big! I can't believe that 8 months can change a little guy so much! He is so much fun to be with. He laughs and smiles, and he is so entirely easy going. I am so thankful for him! He is a professional at sitting up on his own, has no desire in learning to crawl and will only roll over if he absolutely has to! He is content to just sit and watch what is going on no matter where he is at. He sleeps all night and takes 2 really good naps in the day time, eats a LOT and enjoys cuddling with me! I am excited for spring so we can go on walks and enjoy time outside.

Caleb is still in love with his job and I am in love with his schedule. We have every evening together and every weekend...for the most part. Donovan really enjoys the time when Daddy comes home. He gets so excited and has to be with him for a long time after he gets home. Caleb has spring fever though. He was out at the creek out back today fishing. It will be fun to see how Caleb and Donovan enjoy the summer!

As for me, I have been spring cleaning before spring so I can be free to do things. I have the living room done, it has been cleaned, painted, and rearranged. The hallway closet is done...that was scary! I thought I was going to get stuck in there and not be able to get out! Our bedroom just got finished. The last touches was a new bedspread and shams and new curtains. They did wonders for the room! I went through Donovan's clothes, but I still need to scrub down his furniture and such. Then I have the bathroom and the spare room and I am done!!!! Then it will be on to outside projects. I have so many things that I would love to do if I had money. I am trying to find a cheap way to build a porch onto the front of our house and put some railings and such on the back steps.

I guess for not having a lot to say, I sure did a lot of rambling! A picture post to come soon! Have a great Sunday tomorrow.

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