Today Donovan had his 2 month check-up. My little man is now 11 pounds and 2 ounces, 23 ounces long. He is in the 50th percentile in both categories. He also got shots today, which he is currently not feeling well from, but I am expecting him to bounce back tomorrow. He did really well at the doctors office though. He has slept most of the day today and I gave him tylenol a few hours ago for the fever that he had. Now he is finishing a bottle and heading off to bed-hopefully he will sleep tonight too even though he slept most of the day.
In other news, I am going to the new "Used Book store" in town tomorrow. It is such a cool place, I totally reccomend it to everyone! It is at 108 S Green Street, beside Caldwell Sew and Vac. They have new and used books, but none of them are priced over $4. Also, you can bring in your books and get store credit. I love it! (Plus they have coffee...I love coffee!)
I am loving the fall weather. I love having the windows in my house open and wearing a sweatshirt in the evening. I mowed the yard today and wondered if it is time to start counting down how many more times I will mow it. I cannot believe that tomorrow is September 1. This year has flown by, but it has been such a good year so far. Caleb and I have grown so much, and I am so thankful for him and his leadership in our family. I am thankful that he sees Donovan and I as his priorities in life and that he enjoys spending time with us.
20 Daniel answered and said:
“ Blessed be the name of God forever and ever,
For wisdom and might are His.
21 And He changes the times and the seasons;
He removes kings and raises up kings;
He gives wisdom to the wise
And knowledge to those who have understanding.
22 He reveals deep and secret things;
He knows what is in the darkness,
And light dwells with Him.
23 “ I thank You and praise You,
O God of my fathers;
You have given me wisdom and might,
And have now made known to me what we asked of You,
For You have made known to us the king’s demand.”(Daniel 2:20-23)
I am thankful for the season changes, but more I am thankful for God who is in such control.
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