Donovan is sleeping so I am taking this opportunity to sit down for a few minutes and breathe. Although the air that I am breathing is about 50below it feels like! I think I am going to ask Caleb to start the pilot light on the fireplace. I am not ready to turn the heat on yet, but it is so chilly in our house, I think the fireplace would take the chill off!
Today has been somewhat productive. I have gotten things picked up and laundry done and folded. I am battling an attitude issue right now though. Jeremy closed on his house yesterday and is making no effort to come get his stuff out of our house. I am just so in the mood to clean that room and re-organize the closet and move furniture around in our house. I guess I need to continue being patient. I hope he doesn't come get clothes just when he needs them though. I am ready to have that room back so I can clear out our other rooms. :)
I am working on getting Donovan to sleep through the night. He is laying down around 9:00 every night and sleeping until around 3ish. He gets up, eats about 2 ounces and falls back to sleep. Then he pretty much wakes up for good between 7 and 8. If I could knock out that 3 o'clock feeding, I would love it. Then he and I are both getting solid sleep and I would be awake at 7-8 and able to stay awake. So, I read a book about it and we are going to test a couple things out.
Hunting season starts today, so Caleb is very excited. He is looking forward to his days off next week so he can go hunting. I hope he gets a big one this year, we could definitely use the meat! I may go a time or two also, but I don't think I will be near as active at it as he is. We will see though!
I have learned that Donovan loves Veggie Tales. I put him in his little highchair and stick it near the tv and for 30 minutes he will just sit there and watch it. It is a good opportunity for me to get some things done while he is awake. I think it is so cute though how much he enjoys it.
I guess that is really all I have to say. I just thought I would update a bit about our life.
Sometimes it just feels good to share with the world about your day, doesn't it? Thanks for entering my giveaway! My husband would love to go hunting with your husband! He wants to learn how to hunt!