Tuesday, September 29, 2009

After I don't know how long, I figure it is time for an update! My little man is going to be 3 months old tomorrow, I can't believe it! He is getting so big too!

Things have been going fairly well around here. Caleb has been working a lot, I have been doing things here and there and everywhere it seems.

On a super good note, Jeremy is moving out tomorrow! Hooray! I would let him live here in a second again if he needed too, but it will be nice to have my house back again. I already have plans forming in my head of what I want to do! We will see how it goes though. First I am cleaning this house from top to bottom for fall and getting things ready for winter. I need to get our winter clothes out and put some of our summer things away. I just love fall, I love wearing hoodies and drinking coffee at all times of the day just to help keep warm. I love the smells and the colors. It is just an all-around good season.

Fall makes me think of things too. So much happens in the fall in my family. October 1 starts hunting season. I might go one or two times this year, but I know Caleb is so excited to go. October 13 is my nephews 2nd birthday. October 29 is my birthday, November 2 is Caleb and I's anniversary. It goes on and on from there. It makes me thankful for everything I have. Lately I have been extremely overwhelmed thinking about my baby girl. It just seems like in the past week I have thought and cried so much. I am not sure if it is just being tired, or what, but I miss her so much. Someone was talking to me the other day while Donovan was crying and they said they don't know how I can smile and enjoy him while he is crying. I told them that the only thing that I ever wanted was to hear Abby cry, so everytime I hear Donovan cry I rejoice to have him with me. I am so thankful for him. The thing I have to keep reminding myself though is that Donovan is God's child. Whatever God wants for his life I need to agree with.

Anyway, enough of that line of thinking...I guess I will get off of here. I need to get some things done before heading to bed. Enjoy this fall weather!

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