It is beginning to feel a lot like Christmas! I love the snow and cold weather, but I don't like the cold without the snow. I just watched a man hit a pole in his van outside my house. That was a couple minutes of entertainment. I know we live in Indiana where it snows every winter, but I still think that I benefited more than most people in snow driving experience because I lived in the country. I lived where the roads are never cleared off and always slick. I lived where you drove with a shovel and a bag of sand in your trunk and always had a coat and a pair of boots in the car. I lived where you would get entertainment out of going to drive in the snow and see who could get to town the fastest. I hear about people who live in town who won't get out when there is 1/2 an inch of snow on the ground. I realize that today's snow has a layer of ice underneath, but still, I lived where you knew how to drive on the snow. Whenever it snows or ices, I generally drive because I am better at driving in it than Caleb is. He just doesn't know that if you start to slide don't turn the steering wheel and don't slam on your brakes. He doesn't have the experience of sliding almost every day until you learned how to manage through it. I don't know, but with Donovan now, I am definitely a bit more cautious.
I feel super-bad for my sister-in-law Dayonna. They just took out their old furnace over the weekend and got a new one ready to go, but the gas company said they would be there on Monday to hook it up. I don't know if they will make it out today or not. I hope so. They have a fireplace, but it is still a bit nippy everywhere else in their house.
I am thinking that we are somewhat settled on some ideas for Christmas. Caleb is going to have Christmas off, and then the weekend, so hopefully we will get to spend time with everyone. I think I might go make some hot chocolate. All this talk of snow and Christmas has really gotten me in the mood. PLUS, I found my FAVORITE Christmas CD. It is called Santa's Top 10 Favorites and it has the best Christmas song ever on it - "It Must Have Been the Mistletoe" on it. Amongst other great ones like White Christmas and Jingle Bell Rock. Now I have to go listen to it... : )
Another benefit to growing up in the country is knowing when it's okay to drive in the fields if you do slide off the road.