Thursday, December 3, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

I love snow! It flurried a bit last night and this morning and put me in the mood!

Donovan and I have both been fighting a nasty cold. He has had a runny nose/cough for a couple days and I have had a runny nose/sore throat for a couple days, so hopefully we get over this soon. Caleb to this point has stayed well, although I think he may be coming down with a little something. I took Donovan to the doctor this morning for his check-up. He had to get a shot from last month that they were out of and then they just checked him over. He now weighs 16 pounds 10 ounces and he is 26 inches long. My little man is getting so big! I cannot believe that he turned 5 months on Monday. Where does the time go. Speaking of not believing time, it is true that Christmas is this month?! Wow! This year has flown by. I don't think we are doing much for Christmas and I am excited about that. There are a couple options we have and Caleb and I are holding out for the latter option. We will see what happens though!

I put up the Christmas tree and did a few decorations, but I am not going all out this year. I am just not feeling it! Maybe next year when Donovan will be old enough to really enjoy it we will do more. I do like to drive around and see all the Christmas lights though, some of them are really pretty! I think the inflatable things that everyone has in their front yards are a little much though.

Donovan is napping, I finished some housework and am about to go work on some laundry. I am still trying to figure out what to make for dinner tonight. I am just not hungry so it is hard for me to come up with something. We may just do salads and baked potatoes tonight. That sounds pretty good. Caleb and I have decided to eat healthy. Which in turn means that we would like to lose some weight. I am still working on baby weight. Actually, I lost all of Donovan baby weight, but I am still working on Abby's! I am off to get busy, have a great weekend everyone!

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