Saturday, May 22, 2010

It has been so long since I posted. Life has been very busy and with no internet at the house, blogging seems to be a thing of the past! I wish I could update more often, but I would much rather spend time with my family and friends then go to town to use the internet!

Donovan is almost 11 months old now. He is getting so big. He rolls to get his toys instead of crawling, and he still hasn't gotten his teeth in. He loves to talk! I love to listen to him though, so it works  really well! I am having a birthday party for him next month. Nothing major, just cake and ice cream and lots of fun.

Caleb is still enjoying his job. I am enjoying his schedule. I like having him have weekends off and having the evenings to spend with us!

I am still holding down the homefront. I am looking for odd jobs to do though, does anyone have any ideas? I don't want to go into the workplace because I don't want someone else to raise my son. But, I would like to do little things that I can still have Donovan with me for. I would really appreciate your input if anyone has anything that they have done.

I don't have much else. If I can get into town in a couple weeks, I will post some new pics of my little man. :) Have a great week everyone!

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