Sunday, July 25, 2010

How can life be so busy but yet seem so slow all at the same time? There has been so many different things going on. Donovan is 1 now. I can't believe it! He is now crawling...somewhat! He pulls himself and goes more sideways than forward, but it is so cute to watch. I think he will be walking before long. He is pulling up to things and only wants to stand when someone has him. I just love him to death. Sometimes he can by trying, especially when he is testing the waters, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I truly love him to death. I am sitting here watching him play with his cars. He sits on the floor and spins in circles while talking to them. He loves books, and I am glad because I love reading to him!

Caleb is still liking his job at Millers. It was an adjustment for us, but we like it. He gets so much more time with Donovan and I and we get to all go to church together for every service. They are getting busier there as it is fair time. I am so thankful for Caleb. He does so much for Donovan and I.

Me? Well, I am still fortunate to stay home with Donovan. I love being able to keep house, make dinner, raise and teach our son, and be waiting for Caleb when he gets home. I am going through the house looking for things for our yard sale I am working on for next month. I am hoping it goes well. I am always concerned about planning for them because I don't have a garage for in case it rains. I am also going through closets and drawers for clothes that don't fit and try to clean out that way.

There have been a few things running through my mind that I would love to get involved in. Want to hear about them? If not, stop reading now!
1. I would love to get better at taking pictures and editing them to make them super cool. Does anyone know some good photo editing software?
2. I would love to get into sewing! I want to be able to make things and sew and possibly quilt. But, there are two small issues with that. I don't have a sewing machine, and I don't know how to sew. I know the concept of sewing, how hard can it be right? But I need a sewing machine. Anyone know where I can get one fairly cheap that is a decent machine?
3. I want to write. Not a novel or anything, but more like a blog only without the internet. We don't have the net at our house right now, so it would make it hard to blog. I journal, but it just isn't the same. I am not sure of the alternative.

So, that is where we are. Life is going well. I love where we are at right now. I am thankful for what I have and the people I have to share it with.

1 comment:

  1. Heeey Holly! Long time no..see or talk, I guess :) I just wanted to suggest a couple AMAZING photo editing software I use and suggest for any beginner who likes messing around.

    Photoscape is a free software that you can download off the internet. I know because you don't have internet, this might be difficult, but if you have a laptop and can access internet to download it, it is worth the download. There seems unlimited possibilities. It is comparable to photoshop because of all the ways you can change the photos. Here's the link:

    Also, is a good online resource to use. I love it. Good luck to you and your photography pursuits! It is good to keep up with your blog to see how you are doing and what you are up to. :)

