Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fishy, fishy, fishy...

So, here is a story for you. Yesterday, Caleb came home and says "why don't we get Donovan a rabbit?" I personally don't want an animal like that to take care of. If I am going to have a "bigger" animal, I would much rather take a dog over say, hamsters, rabbits, cats, mice, gerbils, etc. I said I would rather not because a rabbit is a lot of work and if its for Donovan we should wait til he gets older so he can take care of it himself. So, in leu of that, I said what about a fish. I figure, sure, I will probably end up cleaning the tank, but at least they don't stink, don't take too much work, they are cheap to feed and they die quick. Caleb kind of liked that idea when I said it, so I suggested we look at the fish at wal-mart. We went last night and they all looked mostly dead. But, he liked the idea even more after seeing them. So far my plan was working. So I suggested that we go to the pet store today and look at what they have. We did, and they had the fish that Caleb fell "in love" with: a fancy guppy. So, after a trip to the pet store, walmart, back to the pet store and then back to walmart, we came home with a tank and a promise from the pet store that they would call on Wednesday when there new guppy's that they were ordering for us came in. Exciting huh? After rearranging Donovan's room and getting the opportunity to deep clean it, we have a 5 gallon tank on top of his dresser and he is in love with it, even though there is no fish yet.I figure along with being a wife, mother, maid, cook, errand runner, what's pet caretaker too?!

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