Monday, March 14, 2011

Well, it's official. I am excited for this new baby to come. Don't get me wrong, I have been excited the whole time, but now I am ready and excited to meet the baby. We know what we are having and have told some people, but I do enjoy the excitement of not everyone knowing, but don't be surprised if I slip up on here and say one way or the other. And, we or more like I decided that I don't want anyone to know the final name choice until after its born. But, in light of this excitement, hopefully I will finish getting the room done! I have quite a bit to do still, but it shouldn't take too long.

This weekend has been fun and relaxing at the same time. Saturday Caleb had to work so Donovan and I played that morning and then hung out with daddy when he got off. Sunday, was busy! We went to services then to Greencastle with the Sils. We then made it home in time for the evening service at Southside and came home afterward. I was so exhausted I slept til about 9:10 this morning and D slept til 9:30. I think we were adjusting to the time change too.

Now I am gaining motivation to go get busy. I have laundry to put away and dishes to do. Floors to sweep and mop and then hopefully back to the baby room to work back there for a while. I have been looking online for free or nearly free offers for baby things, if anyone knows of anything, please let me know! I am off to get busy now, have a wonderful Monday!

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