While I was doing dishes the other day a thought hit me that I thought I would share. As most of you know, or will know after I tell you, I am a stay at home mother of two boys with one more little guy on the way. I would say any given day I was dishes at least 3 times if not more. I will also share with you that washing dishes is close to my least favorite household chore (folding laundry is the worst in my opinion), so my attitude when I look at a counter of dishes that needs washed is not always positive. Back to my story, the other day I was mid way through dishes, and it hit me. I sing a song to my kids a lot when they are complaining. It is just a little diddy I learned as a child, "Do everything without complaining, do everything without murmuring, so that you may become blameless and pure children of God". I know this is based on Philippians 2:14. But, I thought, how am I different from my children? How am I allowed to complain and have a sour attitude about things I don't want to do when they can't? That's when it hit me. My boys are seeing me complain. They are seeing me grumble. They are seeing me drag my feet and have a negative attitude. It is absolutely no wonder why they do it too.
So, how do I fix this? First, I pray and beg God to give me a heart that is softer. Then I write Colossians 3:17 on a 3x5 card and stick it in the window directly above my kitchen sink so I am forced to read it while I do dishes! "And whatever you do in word or deed,
do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." I should be thankful I have dirty dishes! After all, doesn't that mean that I was able to feed my children?
This is just a few of my thoughts from things running through my head the past few days. I am certainly not perfect, but I am striving to be with the help of Jesus.
A brief side note before I go watch a basketball game with my husband and friends. I am hoping to get more involved in blogging, especially since I am beginning to home-school Donovan and am trying many new products. I plan on writing on what I like and what I don't, and hopefully will be able to get into doing reviews on things for companies if I can. :) If I write about something that interests you or you think would interest others, please share it! Thanks
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