Wow! Has it been a while or what? Life has caught us and we are coasting downstream with it! Donovan is getting bigger and bigger! He does the army crawl all over the floor now. He is also finally teething! Can you believe almost 15 months old and not a tooth in his mouth! He does good with eating though, it hasn't hindered him at all!
I am now working for Mary Kay as a sales consultant. It is actually a really cool deal. I get to work on my own time, be my own boss and put in as much effort as I want and make money doing it! I love the product of Mary Kay, it really is amazing and not just because I sell it! I used it before I even thought about selling, but our family could benefit from a few extra dollars every now and then, so I thought why not sell what I love?! So, my mission for you all is to tell all your friends and family that I am selling Mary Kay and if you need any, come talk to me. OR, if you are interested in a really sweet business opportunity, to let me know that too and I will let you know what its like!
This weekend we are planning on having a garage sale at our house. I am hoping to make it a big success, so that is the bulk of what I will be working on this week. Garage sales are a huge build up but hopefully it will be worth it once its over.
Other than that, nothing else major is happening. The usual things combined with the occasional event equals a busy time. I have tons of pictures of Donovan that I need to upload, but don't have time right now. They will come soon though! Just keep watching!
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