Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New directions...

How much has happened in 8 months? TONS! My youngest, Brenden is 8 months old today. Time flies. Donovan is 2 and a half. He is so much fun! Right now he is watching Toy Story while I blog. Brenden is rolling around on the floor chasing a rattle. Caleb is still working at Miller's. I am still blessed to be a stay at home mom. Its the best thing a person could ever ask for. I don't understand why women want to go into the workforce. Even before they have kids. It is such a blessing to be able to stay home, keep the house, make meals, do laundry, clean, all of the fun stuff that staying home allows you to do. One of the many directions I want to take this blog in this year is thankfulness. I have SO much to be thankful for in my life. I have an incredible husband, 3 beautiful children (even though one is no longer with us, she will always be counted as my child and she was absolutely gorgeous at birth), a wonderful house, food, clothes, and a God who loves me more than anything. How blessed am I?!

Another area where I want to take this blog is into the realm of parenting. I see so many parents floundering around in their roles. They are taking the "friend" approach rather than the "parent" approach. I want to be my child's mom, and then by being their mom become their friend. I want to hit highlights and lowlights of parenting, cover the funny things that happen, and also challenge other mothers to become all they can be for their kiddos.

And lastly, there is just a menagerie of small things I want to touch on, like what I am learning as I study the Bible, small things I come across on homeschooling, fun new recipe ideas, and other things like that. I have been talking with Caleb and I want to use some of my talents and things, but with the kids I am a little more limited in what I can do. I believe that this is one thing I can do just from my house and I hope to be a blessing to others out there who are trudging through life! Please comment and share tips and ideas, I would love to hear from you all.

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